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Choosing Children's Toys According to Age

Choosing children's toys according to age is important to do. Because not only fill playing time, toys given to children can be used as a means to hone children's creativity, skills, and learning media. Various kinds of children's toys that are sold in toy stores often make you confused in choosing. Instead of just being stunned by the form of toys sold, it is better to choose children's toys according to their age to be useful to improve their moods, while helping them learn, and support the growth and development of the Little One.

Baby Toys Up to 1 Year Old

For babies up to one year of age, children's toys are used as a means of exploration to activate the five senses. Most children's toys at this age include triggering babies to bite, reach or drop objects. Choosing children's toys for babies up to the age of 1 year recommended, including:
  • Toys that make a song or sound attract attention that can be hung over a baby bed. This is useful to stimulate the eyes and stimulate the attention of children. But be careful not to put it too close to the baby's face.
  • Children's toys in the form of glass made of plastic but clearly enough to reflect the image of the face, you can also give. This helps the baby recognize his own face and body.
  • Giving children socks or bracelets that make sounds can stimulate the senses of hearing.
  • Books made of cloth with various images that can stimulate vision
  • When the child starts to sit down, a ring stack toy which can be rearranged many times can be given. This game can train fine motor skills while learning about the colors and numbers listed on the circle. Bright colors that exist on each ring, can also help him begin to recognize color.

Children Toys 1-3 Years Old

Choosing children's toys at this age, should support the child's process of recognizing the environment. In this period, children try to find out how things work that they find. The right toys will be very good for stimulating thinking, fine motor skills, and strengthening muscles. For this reason, in choosing children's toys at the age of 1-3 years, you can give them:
  • Blocks with a variety of shapes that can be this game stimulates eye, hand coordination, while developing the ability to solve problems. Likewise, a simple puzzle game in which a 3-year-old child has begun to be interested to arrange it, and certain shaped toys that can be inserted into the same hole shape (shape sorter).
  • Parents can start training their children to use crayons in a picture book. Choose crayons with safe ingredients.
  • Professional games where children can imitate doing work according to certain professions, for example pretending to be a chef, doctor, teacher, and others. This game can help the development of emotional intelligence, practice social skills, and teach them to care for things they like.
  • Parents can also provide toys that are more challenging when the child is 3 years old, such as a tricycle, or push toys that will stimulate the child's concentration to walk while relying on the toy.
  • Ball games can be used to practice dexterity and eye coordination. For example by playing catching throwing, or passing the ball to each other.

Kids Toys 3-5 Years Old

When children are 3-5 years old, they begin to use toys and objects around them for certain purposes. This age is also dominated by high imagination. In fact, simple materials such as blankets placed on the table can be a secret house. Choose children's toys that are recommended for children at this age, including:
  • Candles or clay to be shaped in such a way as food.
  • Role playing using certain costumes, can be a game given to children of this age. For example, boys wear firefighter costumes and girls act as mothers who cook food for their children.
  • Other toys that are known to children before, such as drawing, building using blocks, and puzzles, can still be given. Of course the level of difficulty is adjusted to the ability of children.

Toys for Children 5 Years and Older

Most children at the age of five are already active in school. Their understanding of the environment is much better. Currently the child is in the stage of mastering new skills, such as catching a ball or braiding other people's hair. Children of this age are beginning to show their interest, starting from reading fondness or the desire to learn a musical instrument. Motor skills, such as riding a two-wheeled bicycle, will also be increasingly honed. Some other more challenging toys, for example:
  • Invites cycling in the wild. This game encourages body coordination, motor development, and problem solving skills.
  • Playing cards or board games (snakes and ladders, monopoly) is very good for teaching children about rules, strategies, waiting their turn, working together and being sporty.
  • Children have started to learn musical instruments such as violins, pianos, guitars or other musical instruments. In addition, a set of scientific tools or binoculars can be used if the child is interested in the field, because it can practice the ability to solve problems, create inventions, and hone the imagination.
In addition to paying attention to the right type of children's toys based on age, choosing children's toys must also pay attention to the material, color, or shape of toys that may be at risk of hurting children. So don't make the wrong choice, make children's toys a fun and educational learning tool. If you are confused how to choose children's toys according to their age, do not hesitate to consult with a child psychologist, in order to get the right recommendations.


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