Vaginal disease caused by infection is not uncommon in women. Apart from bacteria, this condition can be caused by fungi and viruses. By knowing the cause, vaginal infections can generally be handled properly.
Vaginal disease is an abnormal condition that affects the vagina, both partially and completely. Under normal conditions, the vagina secretes clear or slightly cloudy fluid. The liquid works to clean the vagina so as not to cause itching or odor.
But when exposed to infection, the vagina will discharge abnormal vaginal discharge that is yellowish white, greenish, or even brown and contains blood spots. This condition can be accompanied by unpleasant odors, itching, to pain.
Vaginal Infections
The symptoms above indicate inflammation in the vagina that can be caused by infection. The following are bacteria, fungi or parasites that can cause vaginal infections:Bacterial vaginosis
Bacterial vaginosis occurs when normal bacteria that live in the vagina become more than the normal amount. In this condition, vaginal discharge can become grayish white and fishy-smelling.
Chlamydia bacteria
Chlamydia can be transmitted through unprotected sexual relations with people who suffer from chlamydia. In addition to abnormal discharge, symptoms can include itching and tenderness during intercourse and urination, experiencing bleeding that is not menstruating, spotting out after sexual intercourse, and pain during menstruation.
Gonorrhea bacteria
Gonorrhea bacteria can be transmitted through sexual contact, as is the case with the chlamydia bacteria. Symptoms are also similar to chlamydia, but gonorrhea can be accompanied by other symptoms, such as swelling of the vulva or external genitals, pelvic pain, or conjunctivitis. If sexual intercourse is done orally, gonorrhea bacteria can also cause inflammation in the throat complaints.
Candida mushroom
Candida yeast infection in the vagina, often recognized as candidiasis vaginalis. Naturally, fungus can indeed live in the vagina. However, if the amount is excessive it can cause vaginal infection which is marked by the discharge of white or grayish fluid, resembling lumps of milk. Fungal infections can cause itching and burning.
Trichomonas vaginalis parasite
This parasite can cause trichomoniasis. The signs are the vagina secretes a foul-smelling greenish-yellow liquid. The parasite is generally obtained from unprotected sexual relations.
How to Take Care of the Right Vagina
The following steps can be taken to treat the vagina:- Always keep the vagina clean and dry.
- When menstruating, often changing pads.
- If you are a sexually active person, use condoms to protect yourself from vaginal diseases arising from sexually transmitted infections.
- Make sure the underwear you wear are always dry and clean.
- Avoid using pants made of nylon, tight jeans, and leggings. These types of pants do not support good air circulation in the area of the sex organs, which can trigger disease in your vagina. If you want to use it, wear cotton underwear.
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